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––– we're gonna solve that mystery .

π™’π™ƒπ™Š π™„π™Ž π˜Ώπ˜Όπ™‹π™ƒπ™‰π™€ π˜Όπ™‰π™‰π™€ π˜½π™‡π˜Όπ™†π™€?

––– return to coolsville .

π˜π˜Œπ˜™π˜Œ'𝘚 π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜‹π˜Œπ˜ˆπ˜“π˜π˜– . . .

out of character.

β™‘ .......... my name’s dani, I’m 23, I live in new york, and I’m a middle eastern & bisexual cis-woman. my pronouns are she/her. you can find me all over the indie community, but my current urls are dangeress, herroic, starsbore, heartlikegold, serepentlike, tricktress, valkyrshe and darephi.β™‘ .......... I tag everything accordingly with β€œ trigger tw ”. my only trigger requests are spiders and old dolls. on a similar topic, I will not write with rule!63 muses or anyone who writes any character from the child's play horror series. I also don’t enjoy engaging in topics of health or fitness as I find them triggering.β™‘ .......... I don’t believe in callout culture. I’ve seen the ugly side of it and I think it’s damaging and encourages a judgemental and herd-like mentality. however, I do make an exception for serious call outs regarding any kind of criminal or predatory behavior, because I don’t consider this drama.

in character.

β™‘ .......... this is a mutuals only, selective daphne blake roleplay blog. I follow back if I can see our muses interacting. If I don’t follow back, it’s nothing against you or your writing; sometimes people just don’t mesh.β™‘ .......... this is a very moderate - activity blog. I’ll be doing replies as the muse strikes, so replying speed could be incredibly fast, or incredibly slow.β™‘ .......... I love shipping and I love smut. everything will be tagged accordingly, but I will not be using read mores, unless requested. smut will be tagged as NSFW.β™‘ .......... I believe in slight god-modding for the sake of moving the thread along. however, I will do my best not to assume things about your muse and am always open to being corrected.

mains & exclusives.

s1euthlynsnancy drewmains
blog urlmun namemuse namemain/exclusive
blog urlmun namemuse namemain/exclusive
blog urlmun namemuse namemain/exclusive

––– return to coolsville .

𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘌 π˜π˜π˜“π˜Œ : / / π˜‰π˜“π˜ˆπ˜’π˜Œ, π˜‹π˜ˆπ˜—π˜π˜•π˜Œ .

π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜‰π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜π˜Šπ˜š .

FULL NAME:Β Β daphne anne blake
NICKNAMES:Β daph, danger-prone daphne
ALIASES:Β the danger / crush / damselfly
AGE:Β nineteen ( verse dependent )
DATE OF BIRTH:Β december 25th
BIRTHPLACE:Β coolsville, ohio
GENDER:Β cis-female
RELIGION:Β agnostic
ETHNICITY:Β caucasian
OCCUPATION:Β part-time investigator / one fifth of mystery inc –– slash part-time ( creative writing ) student ( with an ongoing career in investigative journalism & mass communications ).
LANGUAGES:Β english, and some french

π˜—π˜π˜ π˜šπ˜π˜Šπ˜ˆπ˜“π˜π˜›π˜  .

HEIGHT:Β 5β€²7β€³ without heels
WEIGHT:Β 120lbs
BUILD:Β a small waist, pear-like frame, flat stomach ( occasionally poochy after a few too many ice cream sundaes and strawberry rose bouquets ) and breasts that sit somewhere between a b and a c cup.
COMPLEXION:Β thin-skinned and pale in the winter-time, with a scattering of brown freckles over the tops of forearms, shoulders and nose ( however they're usually hidden by makeup ); in the summer, her skin has more color. also, daphne tends to get her body hair lasered away, but shaves when on the road to save time, so, as a result, little, red bumps on her skin are more common when traveling.
EYE COLOR:Β purple, though the exact shade differs depending on the lighting. It’s a genetic mutation that’s incredibly rare, and actually affects her eyesight in that it’s slightly weaker as a result.
HAIR COLOR & STYLE:Β typically left down and tumbling down her shoulders, it’s held in place by daphne’s iconic headband.
NOTICEABLE FEATURES:Β nose is pert and a little upturned, daphne tends to dress in shades of purple and pink; and also she tends to smell of something feminine and light, like rosewater.
VOICE CLAIM:Β grey delisle
FACE CLAIM:Β kat mcnamara / maggie geha / amy adams

π˜π˜Œπ˜ˆπ˜“π˜›π˜ .

PHYSICAL DISORDERS:Β pcos ( poly-cystic ovarian syndrome ) and a shellfish allergy
MENTAL DISORDERS:Β mild-regular ptsd & anxiety
EATING HABITS; having been raised along side five sisters with completely different dietary habits, by a mother that’s a hard-core vegan and a father that adores his meat, daphne’s indulged every kind of diet under the sun in order to reach the one she currently follows. this means eating whatever she wants, but in moderation, and no more than four sweets per week, since she easily gains weight when it comes to carb-loaded foods. also, it’s important to note that daphne very, very rarely ever eats chocolate. she’s something of a chocaholic, so it’s definitely a bad idea to give her chocolate. however, she dislikes eating red meat and tends to stick to leaner meats like fish, or rarely: chicken.
EXERCISE HABITS:Β in half of high-school, exercise mostly was composed of p.e classes. she personally stuck to yoga and occasionally gymnastics. but after she started getting serious about getting fit while mystery inc was split up, daphne began to learn karate and combatives, training up to four times a week –– five if she was really feeling herself. when she isn’t training at the gym with her personal instructor, on a normal day, daphne will start the day with stretches and some yoga. kick-boxing, as she gets older, becomes a favorite sport, alongside the silks and pole-dancing.

π˜—π˜Œπ˜™π˜šπ˜–π˜•π˜ˆπ˜“π˜π˜›π˜  .

POSITIVE TRAITS:Β patient, romantic , well-meaning, filled with determination, loyal to her friends, steadfast in her beliefs, empathetic, insightful, and can be hilariously dramatic.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:Β stubborn as hell, envious, somewhat vain, a little too emotional, and can be easily worked up / made vulnerable / manipulated.
TALENTS:Β singing, convincing others to underestimate her, navigating in high-speed car chases. surfing, thinking fast in intense situations, playing the keyboard / guitar, riding a motorbike, some ballet.
ZODIAC:Β capricorn

––– return to coolsville .

π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜žπ˜–π˜™π˜“π˜‹π˜š π˜–π˜ π˜‹π˜ˆπ˜—π˜π˜•π˜Œ π˜‰π˜“π˜ˆπ˜’π˜Œ.

π˜”π˜ˆπ˜π˜• π˜π˜Œπ˜™π˜šπ˜Œ .

(full verse post here).
a story in five acts. in this verse daphne is the heart of mystery incorporated, the dangerprone damsel everyone knows her as. this verse follows her from childhood, to adolescence, through her break up with the gang, and beyond.

π˜π˜Œπ˜Ÿπ˜Žπ˜π˜™π˜“ .

feeling neglected and taken for granted, daphne joins the hexgirls in touring the world as an honorary hexgirl called β€˜crush’. still, daphne seems to keep finding herself in weird situations that only she, and sometimes her hex girl companions, can find an answer for.

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( compatible with teen wolf, tvd, etc )
ghosts, werewolves, vampires –– you name it! mystery inc. turns its attentions from simply solving mysteries to hunting the monsters of the world. everyone plays their part, and daphne loves the hunt.

π˜Žπ˜π˜™π˜“π˜π˜–π˜–π˜‹ π˜Žπ˜–π˜›π˜π˜π˜Š .

( compatible with euphoria, dare me, etc )
girls can be cruel. in this verse, daphne is one of those girls. she is filled with anger, loneliness and struggles with her sexual identity. without the comfort of the gang, highschool is a hell that burns forever.

π˜šπ˜œπ˜—π˜Œπ˜™π˜π˜Œπ˜™π˜– .

( full verse post here )
in this world, daphne is the heiress of blake enterprises, a controversial company with a lot of enemies. one night she was abducted and experimented on, turning her into 'damselfly', the mysterious winged superhero in coolsville.

π˜π˜ˆπ˜•π˜›π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜  .

( compatible with d&d, witcher, etc )
as an elf, daphne, is descended from dragons. she is a sorcerer who is looking for answers about her heritage: along the way she trains as a fighter, seeking to defend herself from the world's many foes.

π˜”π˜ π˜šπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜  π˜π˜•π˜Šπ˜–π˜™π˜—π˜–π˜™π˜ˆπ˜›π˜Œπ˜‹ .

based on the tv show. the gang live in crystal cove: β€œthe most hauntedest place on earth”. in this universe, the supernatural is real and exists –– so do aliens. and scooby is basically a prophet who saves the world from imploding because of a centuries old prophecy / conspiracy theory.

π˜šπ˜–π˜œπ˜›π˜π˜Œπ˜™π˜• π˜Žπ˜–π˜›π˜π˜π˜Š .

(full verse post here).
a story in three acts. coolsville is located in the deep south, and daphne is tired of the bullshit she has to deal with. she's angry, and reckless, and mean - and then she's dead, and back as a ghost to get revenge on her killers.

π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜π˜π˜•π˜ˆπ˜“ π˜Žπ˜π˜™π˜“ .

( compatible with scream, friday the 13th, etc )
daphne is the sole survivor of the blake family massacre. all of her sisters and her parents were murdered brutally and she was the sole survivor. now living with her aunt nan, she forms a support group for final girls.

π˜—π˜Œπ˜™π˜Šπ˜  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜Šπ˜’π˜šπ˜–π˜• .

daphne blake, daughter of aphrodite, grew up in coolsville, ohio. then she turned eleven years old and was brought to camp half-blood after attracting a nearby horde of murderous teen-gorgons to coolsville high. she was claimed quickly, and easily grew to befriend her siblings.

π˜™π˜Œπ˜Žπ˜Œπ˜•π˜Šπ˜  .

( compatible with bridgerton )
lady daphne blake has quite the reputation: despite her astonishing beauty, she's something of a strange girl, more content reading fantastical mysteries than playing the pianoforte. and one day, she hopes to solve her own mystery.

π˜—π˜œπ˜“π˜— π˜π˜–π˜™π˜™π˜–π˜™ .

the adventuring group of intrepid mystery solvers known as the mysterious five travel the world, finding eldritch horrors and surviving to tell the tale. daphne is a famous actress, deeply involved in a secret society of women called, 'the society of eve'.

––– return to coolsville .